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This following Video Tells The Truth about the Qu'ran and also Mecca.
Well worth it to view the whole video.
No matter what Religion you are.

Abraham's Lineage to Jesus Chart
Ishmael and Isaac didn't get along with each other and
that's what the fighting in Gaza still is going for over 2000 years.
its Tribal. These days the 10 commandments say love your neigbour.

Bible is GODS word

Trust in the Bible (Proof that it is GOD'S word) Audio Only.

Explanation, why so many different denominations
Audio Only.

Explanation, why so many differences in Bibles
Audio Only.
Question Has the Church and the Pope got GODS authority to
change the 10 Commandments?
Surely Gods Origional word was Prefect? He would never have made a mistake.(He is our Creator)
(The Finger Of God.) (The romans just wanted to Crusify His Son Jesus Christ)
These changes occurred well after Jesus Died.
Leviticus 26:1
Do not make idols or set up an image or a sacred stone for yourselves,
and do not place a carved stone in your land to bow down before it.
For I am the Lord your God.
Do not use the lord's name in-vain.
This used to be 3rd commandment. The 9th and 10th are the same thing covet.
Listen to the audio and hear it for your self.

Wellness Simplified

David and Goliath

One little man against all Giants.

Wellness Simplified.

Psalm 104:14 He makes grass grow for the cattle, and plants for people to cultivate— bringing forth food from the earth: Note: not chemicals made by Mankind (which many have bad side effects)

Local Honey (a natural medicine antibiotic)
One Teaspoon of Local Honey, each morning, is great to releave hayfever and other respitory ailments.

NOT CANCER but Parasites
Cloves, garlic, pumpkin seeds, papaya seeds, wormwood, diatomaceous earth, probiotics, coconut oil, herbal teas, and adopting good hygiene and lifestyle practices can all contribute to the elimination of parasites without resorting to chemical treatments.

Receipe to loose weight
One Teaspoon Organic apple cider vinegar in 1/4 cup warm water
taken on empty stomache 30 mins before breakfast ever day.

Castor Oil

Great stuff Nature's Way.
one drop per eye per day, clears vision and eye ailments

The multi trillion dollar Pharmacies industry are poisoning us with pills of all types they don’t care about people but pure profit and greed they are a killing machine. Think about it. Our livers, Kidneys and other organs will fail because of toxins, the body is over whelmed by side affects, Memory loss as well.
Good Old Clean WATER is the KEY. The body is made up of over 70% water(not softdrink or alcohol), next time you get a headache just have a drink of WATER (no tablets) it will go away. The body needs approximately on average 30mls of WATER per kilo of body weight per day. More on a hot day or if physically exercising or working manually labour it then needs more water. This will flush out liver and kidneys and get rid of toxins built up in Kidneys and Livers, That's how the body works. The big pharmacies are making a KILLING selling all these Toxins to damage Brains, Livers and Kidneys so they and Doctors can make more money. Anti-cholesterol drug Lipitor® (atorvastatin). Pfizer introduced Lipitor in 1997, and the drug drove more than $130 billion in sales during its first 14 years on the market. The Side EFFECTS MEMORY LOSS (alzheimer's and Dementure)
This Shortened my fathers Life by 5-10 years.

Mathew 5:9 Blessed are the peace makers for they will be called children of God.

Doctors are learning that one of the best ways to reduce inflammation lies not in the medicine cabinet, but in the refrigerator.

By following an anti-inflammatory diet you can fight off inflammation for good.

What does an anti-inflammatory diet do? Your immune system becomes activated when your body recognizes anything that is foreign—such as an invading microbe, plant pollen, or chemical. This often triggers a process called inflammation. Intermittent bouts of inflammation directed at truly threatening invaders protect your health.

However, sometimes inflammation persists, day in and day out, even when you are not threatened by a foreign invader. That's when inflammation can become your enemy. Many major diseases that plague us—including >


, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, depression, and Alzheimer's—have been linked to chronic inflammation.

One of the most powerful tools to combat inflammation comes not from the pharmacy, but from the grocery store. Many experimental studies have shown that components of foods or beverages may have anti-inflammatory effects.

Choose the right anti-inflammatory foods, and you may be able to reduce your risk of illness. Consistently pick the wrong ones, and you could accelerate the inflammatory disease process.

Foods that cause inflammation

Try to avoid or limit these foods as much as possible: refined carbohydrates, such as white bread and pastries French fries and other fried foods soda and other sugar-sweetened beverages red meat (burgers, steaks) and processed meat (hot dogs, sausage) margarine, shortening, and lard

The health risks of inflammatory foods

Not surprisingly, the same foods on an inflammation diet are generally considered bad for our health, including sodas and refined carbohydrates, as well as red meat and processed meats.

Some of the foods that have been associated with an increased risk for chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease are also associated with excess inflammation, It's not surprising, since inflammation is an important underlying mechanism for the development of these diseases.

Unhealthy foods also contribute to weight gain, which is itself a risk factor for inflammation. Yet in several studies, even after researchers took obesity into account, the link between foods and inflammation remained, which suggests weight gain isn't the sole driver. Some of the food components or ingredients may have independent effects on inflammation over and above increased caloric intake,

Anti-inflammatory foods

An anti-inflammatory diet should include these foods:

tomatoes olive oil
Flax seed Oil
green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, kale, and collards nuts like almonds and walnuts fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, tuna, and sardines fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, cherries, and oranges

Benefits of anti-inflammatory foods

On the flip side are beverages and foods that reduce inflammation, and with it, chronic disease, He notes in particular fruits and vegetables such as blueberries, apples, and leafy greens that are high in natural antioxidants and polyphenols—protective compounds found in plants.

Great stuff Natural Tea's.

Great stuff Natural Herbs.

Studies have also associated nuts with reduced markers of inflammation and a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Coffee, which contains polyphenols and other anti-inflammatory compounds, may protect against inflammation, as well.

Anti-inflammatory diet

To reduce levels of inflammation, aim for an overall healthy diet. If you're looking for an eating plan that closely follows the tenets of anti-inflammatory eating, consider the Mediterranean diet, which is high in fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, fish, and healthy oils.

In addition to lowering inflammation, a more natural, less processed diet can have noticeable effects on your physical and emotional health. A healthy diet is beneficial not only for reducing the risk of chronic diseases, but also for improving mood and overall quality of life,

Cancer Curing Natural Food.
(no more than 3 Kernels a day)

Great stuff Natural Food.

Great stuff Natural Spiritual Food 3am prayer.

Great stuff Natural Spiritual Food Healing Prayer.

Great stuff Natural Spiritual Food Gratitude Prayer.

Great, How to know when to set boundaries against Toxic People.

Medications that cause Memory LOSS
Some of the Medications that cause Memory LOSS

Cancer caused by treatment with radiation

Long-term side effects.

One possible late effect of radiation therapy is the development of a second cancer. This is a new type of cancer that develops, sometimes due to the original cancer treatment. The risk of this late effect is low (BULL), but ask your health care team what signs of a second cancer you should watch for.

Radiation is most often given to just one part of the body, so the whole immune system isn't damaged by it (BULL). Still, depending on the dose and the part of the body being treated with radiation, the skin or mucous membranes may be damaged, so you're less able to keep germs out.

Radiation therapy can also cause low white blood cell counts, which increases the risk for infections.

Factors in how radiation therapy affects the immune system, include: The total radiation dose The radiation schedule The part of the body being treated with radiation How much of the body is treated with radiation Whether or not you are receiving chemotherapy in addition to radiation therapy.

Chemo is a cocktail of drugs

The human body excretes many toxins in faeces and urine. There are over 7 billion people on the planet. How many take tablets? And the go to the toilet once or twice a day this goes to sewerage, little treatment happens, then it is discharged to the oceans and then food chain. Toxins get in the fish. Some countries don’t have sewerage. If the body has an overload then inflammation occurs, diseases occur and we take pills this makes things worst, livers fail and kidneys and many other organs. We should take anti inflammatory herbs fresh from the garden and stop eating inflammatory foods and stop taking toxic pills that have many side effects.

How to get Rid of Stress

How to Get Rid Of Stress

How to Get Rid Of Worries

Unhealthy mental stress can arise from Fake News and mis-information in other words Lies. Peticularly young Teenagers and people afffected by mental health caused as the result of taking Alcohol and/or drugs. Fake News and mis-information is present on Social Media (FB and Twitter and Istagram and TV and streaming) People of young ages may be Physically mature but not yet fully emotionally mature. They are unable to distinguish between Truth and Lies. Some older people can be hurtful to others and not care what they say (as they themselves, see it as some form Bullying and don't care for others.) They like to mis-inform and groom vunerable persons. Their are some evil people about. People need to ignore this type of behaviour by others. Freedom is great , But we are not free to do whatever we like, Harming others is wrong. Our creator Gives us Freedom But has a few basic Laws. Thou Shall NOT Kill and Thou NOT Shall Lie, don't Steal, No Addictions, don't be violent, forgiveness, are a few of the rules. Our creator Said to us .. love each other as brother and sisters. Go forth and Marry and Multiply. Hatred is Satan's work. (Beware SATAN is Real) Our creator Loves us All. He Wants us to look after our selves. Be cause he is with in us all , with every breath we take. Thank you Heavenlly Father for giving Us ALL Hope, Gratitude, Empathy, Love, Freedom, Breath, Kindness, Peace on Earth, Wisdom, Faith, forgiveness, the Planet Earth and every Living thing on it. Deliver us from EVIL. On my own journey I have had to Block many negative and bad people, even some family members, forever. Our Creator opens new doors (better) in each others lives whilst closing old one's. We move Forward and do not live in the past. Try and Pray every day morning and evening with gratitude to our Creator. Our Creator is not a Man but a Spiritual supernatual entity so much as with the power to create Life and the universe. We are the Temple's for the Breath of Life.

5g radiation and Big Pharmaceuticals .

Silent storm

Nuclear fallout in Australia
Silent Storm.

Proceeds go towards class actions against the British.

Nuclear Tests 1945-1998
Time Lapse.
why didn't they stop at 2 or 3
instead of over 2000 world wide.(over 1000 by America alone)

A movie showing that any thing can go wrong with a Nuclear Powered

The Dome

A documentary showing that "The Dome" is still spewing Toxic Radiation
Into the Pacific Ocean and the people of the marshal Islands.
cannot return until 24,000 years time - before it's Safe.

UN - WHO(world Health Organisation)
Audio only.

UN - Pfiser- new world order (pDNA the preservation of favoured races.Known Cancers in vacines)
Audio only.

Proceeds go towards class actions against the pill companies.

Cyborg War
Audio only.

Big banks want cashless.

Stop war on CASH ... Click on Me.

Stop the WAR on Cash

Watch this...

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I believe in the Truth and freedom of speech.

NAB bank of Australia.
Timothy Baker
BSB, 085-005
Account number. 916 365 405

Translations of the BIBLE.

Audio Only
