"Intimacy with GOD"
"GOD the creator of all of the human race.
And everything that's not man made like Weapons.
Top Video about
"JESUS Christ of Nazareth"
This following Video Tells The Truth about the Qu'ran and also Mecca.
Well worth it to view the whole video.
No matter what Religion you are.
The story of my life
From The book of Revelation, Who is Satan?
TRUMP moves capital to Jerusalem
TRUMP will be the last President of America
Melania TRUMP
Donald TRUMP
GOD is an Invisable, an entity of HOLY spiritual nature, most powerful, as he is the only creator of every thing,heavens and earth, man and woman, birds and insects, animals, fishes, Trees and plants, lands and oceans and skies. How wonderful he is. His only Son JESUS CHRIST was born and taught us the Righteous Path. He is coming again as he is the final judge. So bowel to GOD and repent your sins and kneel and Pray to him, thanking him for the breaths we take and the food and shelter and fresh water we drink and his LOVE. Love thy neighbour. To have FREEDOM and Peace and Hope and Faith. In the name of JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth, we pray Amen.
Read the "Holy Bible" and learn from the book of life.
Email:- timothy@timothyjbaker.co